The buyer simply will make a partial payment and then behave as if that is all they are going to pay in spite of the original agreed price. 买方只支付一部分货款,然后就会表现得像付了全款一样,全然不顾原先商定的价格。
After the debtor has discharged his debt, the deposit shall either be retained as partial payment of the debt or be returned. 债务人履行债务后,定金应当抵作价款或者收回。
I will make a partial payment in advance. 我会事前付一部分定金。
A majority of the deals announced this year have involved at least partial payment in stock. 今年公布的交易中,多数交易的付款手段都包括一部分股票。
For every division you can make customer-specific agreements on, for example, partial deliveries, pricing and terms of payment. 对于每个产品组,可以为之制订特殊客户协议,如,部分交货,价格及付款要求。
Inventory Model of Deteriorating Items with Stock-Out Partial Backlogging; turn in as payment or part payment for a purchase. 缺货量部分拖后订货的易变质物品的库存模型卖掉旧物作为购买新物的全部或部分货款。
The full or partial reduction, exemption or deferred payment of direct taxes or social welfare charges specifically related to exports, which are paid or payable by enterprises. 对企业已付或者应付的与出口产品特别有关的直接税或者社会福利费,实行全部或者部分的减免或者延迟缴纳。
The program offers banks partial or full guarantees covering the payment risk in trade related transactions. 该规划将向银行提供贸易相关交易中支付风险的部分或全额担保。
What's more, we can send the trucks to you by an amenable fax or prepaying partial payment. 同时,我公司可凭贵单位的责任传真,或预付部分车款后,优惠办理送车业务;
Establishing very low partial interest payments during the in-school period and differentiating payment levels by borrower profile; 确立在校期间很低的部分利息还款额,根据贷款人情况确定不同的还款水平;
A total or a partial compensation trade depends upon your payment capability. 全额补偿还是部分补偿要看你们的支付能力。如果没有偿付能力,他不会干的。
Would you like partial payment in advance? 需要先付部分钱吗?
Based on survey on the operation management of employees 'medical insurance in trial cities in hei longjiang province, this paper introduced the operation management about partial payment and management of the designated hospitals and settlement method. 利用对黑龙江省实施医疗保险制度改革试点城市的运营管理办法的调查研究结果,介绍了部分偿付办法的运营管理和定点医院的管理与费用结算方式。